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What Direction Should Solar Panels Face?

Jan 5th 2023 3 Min read
Solar panels on a rooftop generating electricity

When it comes to installing solar panels, one of the most important factors to consider is the direction in which the panels should face. The direction that your solar panels face can have a significant impact on their efficiency and overall performance. In this article, we will discuss the optimal direction for solar panels and why it matters.

The ideal direction for solar panels is south. This is because the sun is in the northern hemisphere for the majority of the day, and south-facing panels will receive the most direct sunlight. This means that south-facing panels will produce the most energy and have the highest efficiency. In fact, south-facing solar panels can produce up to 25% more energy than east or west-facing panels.

However, not all homes and buildings have the luxury of having a south-facing roof. In these cases, east or west-facing solar panels can still be effective. East-facing solar panels will produce the most energy in the morning, while west-facing panels will produce the most energy in the afternoon. It's important to note that east-facing solar panels can be less effective during the summer months, as the sun is higher in the sky and the panels may be shaded by trees or buildings.

North-facing solar panels are not recommended, as they will receive the least amount of sunlight and have the lowest efficiency. Additionally, they may be shaded by other buildings or trees, further reducing their effectiveness.

It's also important to note that the angle at which the solar panels are installed can also affect their performance. The optimal angle for solar panels is determined by your location and the season. In general, solar panels should be installed at an angle that is equal to your latitude. This ensures that the panels receive the most direct sunlight throughout the year.

In summary, south-facing solar panels are the most efficient, but east and west-facing panels can also be effective. North-facing solar panels should be avoided. Additionally, the angle at which the panels are installed should be equal to your latitude to ensure optimal performance. By taking the direction and angle of your solar panels into consideration, you can ensure that your solar installation is as efficient as possible.

SolarLink Energy

SolarLink Energy is the TexasGrid.org solar & technology contributer.